Thank you to everyone who attended the A4018 'Improvements' Public Meeting last night held jointly between local Henbury and Brentry Councillors, Chris Windows and Mark Weston and the BS10 Parks and Planning Group.
It was well attended and there were some great contributions from the floor.
We will now be pulling everything together as part of our submission to try and make the Council think again. However everyone needs to write their own letter as well.
You can view the proposals online at
Or you can e-mail [email protected] to ask for a copy of the printed leaflet with detailed maps. If you are not online you can ring 0117 352 1397 and ask for a copy: printed, in Braille, large print or languages (also ask for a printed consultation reply form as well).
You can then send your thoughts directly to the Council via:
- The Consultation Hub at,
- E-mail to [email protected],
- Post to A4018 Improvements Project Team, Strategic City Transport, Bristol City Council, 100 Temple Street, Bristol, BS1 6AG.
Please make sure that your voice is heard!